Thursday, May 9, 2013

Opinion / Editorial

The Switch

The Han Dynasty is formally separated into two parts, the Western Han and the Eastern Han. The change between the two in 9-25 A.D. (which was interrupted by the Xin dynasty) was the worst change to Chinese civilizations in history.
"The Western Han was regarded as the first unified and powerful empire in Chinese history. Lasting from 206 BC to 24 AD, it was established by Liu Bang." "The dynasty based on a series of political and economic reforms, was ruled by 12 emperors in succession enjoying peace and prosperity" (Western Han).
 The time of the Western Han was were culture and religion prospered while ideas flourished and new inventions came out every day. The Western Han was the greatest time in Chinese history between the land expansion of China and the creation of the Silk Road.
The exchange between the Western and Eastern Han times were a terrible time. Although life had not changed for the people, different ideas arose and other ideas were lost in the distance.
"After the middle period of the Eastern Han, most of the emperors were juveniles and the real royal power was held by both distant relatives and eunuchs. This caused darkness and corruption in the later period when farmers all over the country launched rebellions against their rulers" (Eastern Han). The Western Han had no bad emperors and they all helped the cause to support the way of peace and prosperity through ideas.
"The most prosperous period of Eastern Han was the middle period of the first century. After the reigns of Emperors Guangwu, Ming and Zhang, the Han Dynasty regained its prosperity. Overall, its economical, scientific and cultural development surpassed that of the Western Han" (Eastern Han). During the middle period of the Eastern Han, it was a time of peace with others and prosperity of knowledge. Stupid mistakes by selfish rulers and stronger opponents though brought the Eastern Han to its knees though. The Western Han is the most important time in Chinese history and the transfer between times was the worst decision in Chinese civilizations.

Han Dynasty Invention

Invention of Paper

Paper invention of Han

Paper for the Chinese was an art, it let them write down everything because it was cheap and the paper could be traded across the Silk Road to create wealth and new ideas. It has even transferred ideas to us, almost 1900 years later. Paper was the greatest accomplishment in Chinese history.
"Paper was used as the tool for recording the important events and data. Before the invention of paper, the turtle shell, animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood and cloth were used for recording and remembering things"(history-of-china). The Invention of paper was a large step from the use of less dependable materials. With this new invention people were able to record everything that they knew, whether it be knowledge, religion or mathematics at the time.
“The supply of cheap paper meant that great thoughts could be written on the paper and read by people. Advanced and new ideas could be passed quickly and widely to the majority of people. It has promoted and quickened the steps of human civilization and development” (history-of-china). Since paper was cheap and was easy to write on, more ideas seemed to be put down and moved. New ideas could be passed anywhere, through the Silk Road, across the village and even to the other side of China. The expense of paper was a key factor in having some of the ideas that we have now.
“Invention of the paper has enriched the culture and literature. More and more great works were produced and passed to the majority of people” (history-of-china).  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Front Page News Story

Headline:                             The Han Dynasty


Byline:                  Kyle Ronald MacPhee


Finding a Second Job


The Silk Road was a trading route that was founded by Zhang Quian. His two trips to make alliances leaded to its creation. In 139 BC when he started his first journey to the west, he encountered the Huns who captured him and locked him up for numerous years. After his escape, He traveled through the Pamir Mountains and the Gobi desert. He was never able to make an alliance with the other civilization and decided to return home in the Han Empire.

On Zhang Quian’s second journey to the west (for another attempt at making an alliance) he established the trade routes for his new discovery. Zhang was a pionner when it comes to the  Silk Road and helped to create alliances with others. Zhang Quian journeys created the largest trading system in the world for many years.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Picture Collage

Han Inventions -

Paper – the most important Han inventions is the way we transfer ideas and pass on knowledge and enables us to paint and write and draw.

Seismograph – helped to predict and measure the earthquakes that occur in China have helped us today to exactly measure the strength and distance of all earthquakes.

Wheelbarrow – made farming a much easier task by having a way to transport materials. Based off that a large percent of China is used for farming now, it has evolve their tools.

State Academy – was an advance of the Chinese for everyone in their community to be educated at a level needed and has spread even to today.

Hot Air Balloon – was their first way of transportation and helped them travel to other civilizations without going over the rough Chinese terrain.

Han Dynasty Map

The Han dynasty was a time of expansion and during this time it had expanded to most of China Proper and the northwestern side of the country. These borders were not expanded more due to China's unusual geography. The Gobi Desert, another desert and the Himalayan mountains prevented the expansion of the empire.  The two deserts in China were a place of nomadic life of traveling people. The empire decided not to move to these places because the deserts could not support the life of people that tried to settle. The mountain  range in China was called the Himalayas and they acted as a boundary. The Chinese during that time used the mountains as a way of protecting themselves from others. They are so large and spread out that they seperated others countries from the Han empire This piont in time is also when the Silk Road was created and everything was being traded. The reason the empire was expanding was that they needed a way to connect to other civilizations and Silk Road was the perfect option. They conquered the northwestern part to help connect themselves to the other parts of the world. The Expansion of the Han Dynasty resembles the modern day China except for the geographic features that blocked the expansion of the Han empire 

Works Cited

 Kyle MacPhee
Works Cited -

New World Encyclopedia writers and editors, "Han Dynasty", New World Encyclopedia, Published 1/27/08, Updated 12/28/2012, Date of Access 4/7/13,

 History of China writers and editors, "Han Dynasty", sponsor, Published 2007, China Guide sponsor, Date of Access 4/9/13,

China Culture writers and editors, "Han Dynasty", Published 1/12/2002,  Update 10/1/2003 sponsor, Date of Access 4/5/13,

Travel China writers and editors, "Western Han Dynasty", Published 2004, Updated 2012, TravelChinaGuide Sponsor, Date of Access 4/8/13,

Travel China writers and editors, "Eastern Han Dynasty", Published 2004, Updated 2012, TravelChinaGuide Sponsor, Date of Access 4/8/13,