Friday, April 26, 2013

Front Page News Story

Headline:                             The Han Dynasty


Byline:                  Kyle Ronald MacPhee


Finding a Second Job


The Silk Road was a trading route that was founded by Zhang Quian. His two trips to make alliances leaded to its creation. In 139 BC when he started his first journey to the west, he encountered the Huns who captured him and locked him up for numerous years. After his escape, He traveled through the Pamir Mountains and the Gobi desert. He was never able to make an alliance with the other civilization and decided to return home in the Han Empire.

On Zhang Quian’s second journey to the west (for another attempt at making an alliance) he established the trade routes for his new discovery. Zhang was a pionner when it comes to the  Silk Road and helped to create alliances with others. Zhang Quian journeys created the largest trading system in the world for many years.

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